時価で売る 1の英語
- sell at the current price 時価で売る 2
sell ~ at the current market price〔~を〕
- 時価 時価 じか current value price market value
- 売る 売る うる to sell
- 時価で 1. at market (value) 2. at prevailing prices 3. at real market value 4. at the
- る 1 like to play the fool when someone is with〔主語が人といるとばかにな〕 る 2 be not like
- 売る 1 1. sell for 2. turn off 売る 2 【他動】 1. monger 2. sell 売る 3 pick seek a
- 市価で売る 1 sell at a market price 市価で売る 2 sell ~ at the market price〔~を〕
- 不良債権を時価で売る sell sour loans at market value
- 原価で売る sell at cost
- 定価で売る sell at a fixed price
- 正価で売る sell at a net price
- 高価で売る sell at high prices
- 特価で売る商品 products that can be sold at special prices
- 特価で売る製品 products that can be sold at special prices
- 時価で 1. at market (value) 2. at prevailing prices 3. at real market value 4. at the market 5. at the market price 6. in current value
- 付けで売る 1 extend credit to 付けで売る 2 give credit (to)〔~を〕